It is possible to have more than one strain of the virus, but in oral cancer, #16 is the bad guy. So to screw up your mind a bit further, there are even subsets of #16 (about 20) with varying degrees of impact in all this. But going into this serves no purpose unless you are a researcher.

What makes you think that so few that have version 16 develop oral cancer or other related cancers? There is NO data on this, though we know for sure that some have immune systems that deal with it. But actual statistics on how many? Not anywhere to be found, and not known to anyone.

95% OF ALL ORAL CANCER IS CAUSED BY HPV 16? Gillison did not say this - you misunderstood. I talk with her all the time, and is this is nowhere close to her take on the situation.

OCF is a financial sponsor of Maura. You will see her work published, and immediately when it is, you can read the synopsis on the OCF news or download the entire scientific article off of our OCF HPV page.

Brian, stage 4 oral cancer survivor. OCF Founder and Director. The first responsibility of a leader is to define reality. The last is to say thank you. In between, the leader is a servant.