My mother is about to complete 5 months post Radiation Therapy and has the same problems of extemely dry mouth, occasional mouth sores, thrush, complete lack of appetite..

I'd been researching on this forum for the specific after-effects and have ended up presuming that saliva returns latest. I'm not sure but looks like that appetite problems also relate to lack of saliva. I went to get my mother examined yesterday and the physician was quite articulate in admitting that the saliva might need an year to return but from the posts I read today, I suspect that 1 year is too less a time to expect (sigh!).

She has lost a lot of weight waiting for appetite to come back and she feels pukish after every (a little heavy) meal... honestly speaking, we're expecting the after-effects to subside within 2-3 months post RT but seems like that my mother needs to act a little more brave and be lesser bothered about the after-effects.

CG to Mother (Bala Saigal/55/SCC, G1, T1N0M0, RT x 33 completed - 27/06/2007 | Presently recovering from the severe after-effects)