Five years out, the dry mouth has not improved, but I have not let it affect my life in any negative way. The water bottle is a permanent part of my a lawyer I carry one to every court...and occasionally have to explain to a judge or bailiff in certain stupidly strict courts, that I have it for medical reasons. When I am playing golf, I carry it to the green as I get out of the cart, just in case I need a sip while waitng it for the rest of the group to chip or putt.
Certainly I would have liked for it to have improved, but apparently it will not. I used to use the Biotene Oral Jel at night when the dry mouth wakes me up...but now I seem to be able to get through the night just as well with just rinsing with water when I inevitably wake up at night. Probably the worst part is that food tends to get stuck in my teeth much more than before, but that can be remedied with a little mouth cleaning after a meal. It causes me to go to the bathroom more often than most men, but drinking water is supposed to be good for health anyway.

Yes, the dry mouth is worse than it sounded when hearing the Doctor's forecast before radiation, but in the grand scheme of things, it ain't all that bad.

Danny G.

Stage IV Base of Tongue SCC
Diagnosed July 1, 2002, chemo and radiation treatments completed beginning of Sept/02.