I am about a 1 1/2 years post radiation treatment with issues of dry mouth as well. I haven't tried acupuncture yet but I am considering it.
I rely on water and sugar free gum during the day. I can sleep through the night but in the morning my mouth feels awful! And yes, my speech sometime s becomes affected due to the dry mouth.
I have all my teeth but one thing I really have to do is go to the dentist for teeth cleaning every 3 months. The typical 6 months is just too long. too much plaque builds up from my dry mouth even though I am more diligent now about flossing than ever!!
I also have burning sensations in my mouth. It happens when I drink any alcohol (so I don't), pepper or hot spices and minty stuff. I can't use regular toothpaste. Biotene is all I can handle.
I don't mean to be a downer but to let you know what my experience has been like. I also tried Biotene products. They are good- but everything seems temporary- unfortunately. Overall, I've adjusted and hope that one day, it will be much better.