Hey Tim, Nice to hear from you. Lets see, my taste is a lil off but barely (i dont know if that is really from the rad. or the stopping smoking though) I still can not eat "spicy" foods,and i still have problems with the "sweet" stuff to, just doesnt taste as good, i can not drink cokes anymore ( and i was hooked on diet cokes before all this ) as far as my mouth being dry, yes, that is still an issue, but not near as bad as before, but yea, i still carry water where ever i go! I go in on the 28th for my 6 month check up and i can tell im already panicking a lil, i dont really think about it until i have to go in, i hate the feeling this has left me with, i keep telling myself, whatever will be, will be, but that doesnt help at all, i guess its a mental thing im going to have to get over and hopefully that will come in time! Have you heard from anyone else? I dont see much of the ol one's still posting, i guess we all move on and that means from here too! Kinda sad....i met so many great and supporting people on here! NO, the really sad thing is...there are "NEW" one's to take our place on here, I pray they find a cure for this someday. Ok, enough of venting...haha, thanks for responding and it was great talking to you, keep in touch, i love to hear the progress of someone else too!!! Hope your feeling GREAT and staying HEALTHY. laugh