David, she just massages the start out point (which is where they removed my lymph node and kind of pushes softly against my skin and moves it to the opposite side) Its so hard for me to explain, but she said it is right under my skin, not in the muscle so it is done with a soft touch. She also has me doing facial expressions and laying down(on my back) and turning my head to the left and then to the right to help stretch my neck. David, im sorry i dont explain things to well, but do you have insurance? Cause if you do, it is covered, this is a "true condition" people get from radiation or removal of the lymph nodes. So far it really has helped(it also feels great, haha) believe it or not, i was sore from it for a couple of days, you will be surprised how tight everything gets from the radiation!!! My jaw also had a bump on the side of it and now it is gone, so i know it is working, slowly but surely. If i can fax the papers i got from her, to you, let me know, contact my e-mail address and i would be more than happy to send them to you.