1 Week out of treatment, and thanks to all that responded to my questions! I am here to report that my throat still hurts, the spit is still thick, but i do have more energy than last week! So im seeing improvement there. My skin is healing very good,( a lil itchy when i let it get to dry.) Im still eating by the tube, but damn im wanting some good ol food! I want to hear "crunch" haha, but i know it will all come in time! I dont feel like im depressed at all, im getting impatient with all of this but not depressed. Im still loving the fact i dont have to go to treatment anymore...YIPEEEE ! Thanks again for all of ya'lls help, and i will let you know of any changes that go on here, hahaha wow i lead a really interesting life here dont i ? Im just waiting for changes...haha i so deserve the changes, so i guess thats good, huh? laugh