Hi Kerry. Although I admire Tom's resolve and wished during my husband's treatment that he would attain that same attitude, very soon after he started, he would not eat anything, and we had "words" about it. I felt as you, that even though it didn't taste right, he should try to eat anyway, as nutrition was imperative to healing, and he retained his ability to swallow. After awhile, I accepted that due to the nausea and the taste issues, taking in anything to any degree other than water or ice was not going to go well, so we focused on just using the PEG tube to take in nutritional supplements (first Jevity, then we went to Boost Plus because of higher calorie content within 8 ozs., plus I would add Whey Protein into it for additional calories and nutrition). Also, the feeding issues became less of an emotional battle once my husband started taking an anti-depressant (Zoloft). This helped greatly with his attitude to keep at it. He still had and still has challenges with keeping weight on, but we have dealt with them more peaceably than when he started out.
There were times I wondered as well how on earth my husband could make it through these treatments, but to be honest, he made it through the treatments better than I anticipated, even with the nausea issues he had throughout.

Just don't look too far ahead, as it creates anxiety. You will find that you adjust each day to whatever it is you have to deal with at the moment, and then all of the sudden, it is the next day, and then the next. Try to consider each day of getting through treatment as a step forward, no matter how challenging that day may have been. I know it's easier to say that now that my husband has finished his chemo-radiation treatments, but we still have challenges ahead with surgery scheduled for this week, so I will try to remember to practice what I preach!
Take care and best wishes for your husband's complete recovery.

Michele, caregiver to husband, Jesse, SCC diagnosed 1/5/06 unknown primary, lf neck mass >6 cm. Chemo (Cisplatin 2x; Carboplatin & Taxol 2x) & XRT radiation 39X ending 4/4/06. Rad neck dissection 8.5 hrs 4/13/06. 30 HBO treatments Fall 2006.