
My daughter, Sally's 4th birthday was Wednesday. She loves sushi, I actually ate some. The soy sauce was a bit saltier than I remember, but ....I am three months out from radiation and six month from a near total glossectomy. The thick salavia almost drove me insane, it was about 6-8 weeks afer radiation before it was thin enough for me to swallow.

When I stopped using the suction machine was a huge milestone.

When I got my prosthetic for the roof of my mouth. It helps me speak so much better.

When I started drinking again. About 3-4 weeks after surgery.

When I found this website.

And now...everyday seems like a milestone just to be alive.



Stage 3, N0, M0 oral tongue cancer survivor, 85-90% of tongue removed, neck disection, left tonsil removed, chemo/radiation treatments, surgery 11/03, raditation ended 1/04, lung mets discovered 4/04,