hi Tiz,

Aussie lamb is what i go for because US lamb lacks taste (to me anyway). Lamb is a favorite choise because it is greese. we don't get much lamb from the UK.

meat here in the US is being raised to minimize fat, so the beef and pork tend to be dryer than it was a few decades ago... and this doesn't please me because greese food is easier to eat. sometimes i add olive oil to hamburger, boy does that make for better cooking and eating.

i also use the fork and knife to reduce my chewing. with a piece of meat held by fork, i cut between each section to make the pieces small...since i've had my esophogas stretched, if the meat is of better quality (greeser), i don't need to do as much work with the knife.

my blood work is ok because i'm on meds (zocor and zetia) which have my numbers well into the healthy range.. so the docs let me eat anything i want... lots of ice cream and greese meat are good for me... well it's lunch time.

what i need is a greese steak from Ed in Texas.

gone for a greese burger and chocolate milk shake,