Some of my miltestone moments:

1. When my friends rallied around me at the news of diagnosis.

2. The first chemo treatment. I took one look at the hospital bed and it finally hit home emotionally that I had cancer.

3. The third week of chemo when I lost my hair. (It was long, brown and curly) I began to look and feel like a cancer patient.

4. Coming home after the last chemo treatment and could say to myself that I'm half way through my treatment plan.

5. My first time under the mask for radiation treatment and it was all I could do to supress my panic at being totally helpless.

6. The second week of radiation when I lost my sense of taste completely. But my hair was starting to grow back.

7. When the blessed last day of treatment arrived and I was finally able to ring the bell and let the world know that I had completed that phase of the journey.

8. About four weeks post-treatment when I was beginning to regain my sense of taste -- pure joy!

9. My six week post treatment follow up, when the docs declared me in remission.

10. When I could finally really taste the enchiladas from my favorite tex-mex eatery.

11. My first haircut after it grew back, albeit with much more gray.

These are just snippets, but I hope you get the idea. There are many, many more. It's been a remarkable experience to put it mildly.


Base of Tongue SCC. Stage IV, T1N2bM0. Diagnosed 25 July 2003.
Treated with 6 weeks induction chemo -- Taxol & Carboplatin once a week followed with 30 fractions IMRT, 10 fields per fraction over 6 more weeks. Recurrence October 2005.