Thanks for the replies. I just can't wait to get this settled. I've been short with my wife and little boy lately. My mind is always racing, having trouble sleeping and just feel like breaking down when I look into my kid's eyes. My wife thinks I'm obsessive about this and that everything is fine. I don't even talk with her about my symptoms anymore. It is hard to put my finger on any kind of a pattern as far as these symptoms. It's seems like my tonsil becomes inflamed and swollen then during or shortly thereafter I experience the numbness of my face and hand, neck stiffness and sensations under the collarbone, all on the left side. Since I inspect my mouth every 15 minutes, I have discovered that I can feel something fuzzy with the tip of my tongue somewhere back there around that left tonsil, although I can't see it with a flashlight and mirror. I think that it might be behind it. Does any of this stuff sound remotely familiar to anyone? O.K. I'll just go ahead and get fitted for my straightjacket now.
