Hello youngin, thanks for the compliment that makes me a youngin too. I'm 34. I have a 21 month old little boy. I felt alot of the things you described in your first post. I was a smoker, dipper and used to drink heavily but had been clean for 4.5 years. It took me about a week after my cancer dx to quit smoking and dipping. It wasn't because I believed that either one of them caused it but it every time I looked at my wife and little boy I just wanted to give myself the best chance that I could have to be with them as long as I can.I finish up my treatments this Thursday, 3-22-07. It has been really tough, scary, and eye opening. I hope you don't have cancer, but if you do and you need help we are here. You can make it through it too. I used a newer drug called chantix to help me quit. I don't know that it helped but I tried it. What helped me the most was me deciding to quit. I first tried to so my wife would quit looking at me with sad eyes. I struggled with it then. I decided one night that I was going to go sit in my lounger in the garage and smoke and dip until I didn't want to do it anymore. I smoked the first cigarette and new that I was done even before I finished the first one. I put it out and said goodbye to my old friend and haven't had the desire for dip or smokes since. You can do it. I still argue with the docs when they bring up the smoking thing, but like I said I just wanted to give myself the best chance I can have to be with my little boy and wife for as long as I can. Good luck to my friend. Lee

Lee, age 33, stage 4a, T2N2bM0, Tumor left tonsil (removed), 2 left side nodes removed (poorly differientiatied)total of 3 nodes involved. Treatment IMRT x33/ 2x Cysplatin completed. Good Health and Good Help to you.