Well, I've got my ENT appointment set for this Thursday. If my tonsils, (especially my left one) stay in their present condition, I think they'll blow this guy's mind. They are very sore, inflamed and producing tonsiliths like nobody's business. At this point, I'm about to get my rusty old fillet knife out do this job myself. I am trying to stay relaxed and not worry to much about the big "c", given my risk factors, but I know I'll be puckering up while this guy gives me an exam. It's been a week since my last dose of tobacco. I feel like being really mean to something cute. Just joking, I think. Actually, this website is proving to be a huge aid in tobacco cessation for me, in more ways than one. The fear is a big part of it, but probably a bigger part of it is watching brave individuals facing their fears. All of the sudden the discomfort of not have nicotine has lost it's significance. Thank god for this website and its posters.
