Of course it is a lymph node, and the proper thing to do would have been to do a fine needle biopsy of the node. If you are not having an ear ache, tooth ache, or running a fever from some infection that might be draining into the nodes, they need to rule out the serious things first. Infections that drain to the nodes make them tender to the touch. The markers in any blood sample are not going to be of much help in finding a SCC diagnosis. As to characteristics of malignancy it is a good sign if it is painful. Painless - not so good. Fixated in place also not so good. But none of these are absolutes, and cetainly not conclusive of anything. That biopsy of the cryptic area of your tonsil and a needle biopsy of the node are not painful to go through, and if there are any questions about what's what, they should be done. Sooner better than later for many reasons, none the least of which is your peace of mind.

Brian, stage 4 oral cancer survivor. OCF Founder and Director. The first responsibility of a leader is to define reality. The last is to say thank you. In between, the leader is a servant.