AM2007, You sign your post"And Life Goes On"? Then you need to live it. As Amy said you have more support here than you could imagine. Put the smokes down and find someone to help you. I walked away from a pack a day for 35 years when I was diagnosed back in October 06. This will not be easy by no means but it beats the alternative.

Bill B. Dx 10-16-06 Stage 4 T2N2bM0 SCC Left Tonsil,3 nodes. 1st tx 11-28-06, last tx 1-8-07. 3x Cisplatlin, 5fu pump, and Doxetaxel. Modified neck dissection,20 Nodes removed, all clear 02-21-07. HPV+,33 IMRT start 3-22-07 70GY,Completed 05-04-07 smile