Hi again. I got my diagnosis on 12-29-06 and smoked up till the 10th of Jan. I took the Chantix as well. My wife kept giving me a hard way to go. Little comments like "Well, I quit when I got pregnant." She remained smoke free but asked me for a smoke a million times. Anyway I ws really struggling with it, and the Chantix didn't seem to be helping at all. On January 12th I came home, went to my garage, pulled out my smokes and my diet cokes and intended on smoking 2 cigarettes and saying goodbye to my old friend. I smoked the first one and honestly knew then I was done. It was my chioce not the cancer's, my wifes, or the government's choice. Mine. I talked to the remaining smokes left in the pack like they were alive. I thanked them for all the good times in the past . Especially the mornings that we would go out and watch the sun rise and get my head on straight for the day as well as the many times they helped me relax after someone or something really aggrivated me. I told my smokes that although I did not believe that they caused my cancer, I had to recognize at this point that they would probably do quite a bit of harm. I didn't want to be that slefish to my little boy so That was the last time I smoked.

I used snuff as well. I have had no desire to do either since that day. At first I figured I would stop once the treatment started anyway because of all the side effects. The surgeries prior to me quitting slowed me down some but still did not make me quit.It's really tough but you can do. I think what helped me the most was making it my choice. I told all of my doc to stop giving me the smoking speech until they could explain how non-smokers were getting oral and lung cancers. That took some stress out of my dr.s visits as well. That helped to, removing all the stress that I could. Good luck with the patches and the Chantix. THey told me it may take the full 3 months for the Chantix to work. Like I said I never noticed it doing what they said it should do so I finished up the first months supply just in case, and didn't by anymore.

Hang in there. Remember, don't put to much on yourself. Take it one day at a time and do your very best each day. I really believe you will be suprised at the progress you make with everything. I believe in you and admire your courage. :-) Lee

Lee, age 33, stage 4a, T2N2bM0, Tumor left tonsil (removed), 2 left side nodes removed (poorly differientiatied)total of 3 nodes involved. Treatment IMRT x33/ 2x Cysplatin completed. Good Health and Good Help to you.