
Okay, maybe "cure" isn't the right word, but i only mentioned acupuncture and herbals because ive found some suvivor stories that acupuncture and herbal meds assisted with the pain and stop recurrence .. ..

.. i wasn't saying it is a substitute for rad, chemo or surgery....

but i do have a question, .. its probably dumb, but when my mom gets her MRI done, she will have surgery, and than radiation and chemo probably,.. how long does the entire process take? I have read so many cases and timelines aren't always specified .. i know each case is different, .. but i just wanted a general idea

Thanks for all the help .. never experienced anything like this before, ..you read about it, you hear stories, but you really dont understand until it touches your life ..

Thanks again so much,

the world brought me to my knees...
Update: Feb 10/08: Mom passed away on Jan 31,08 - infection (unknown) in her lungs with her weakened immune system resulted in cardiac arrest - T2NO SCC of tongue surgery 6/30/06, SCC left neck and lungs detected Sept 07, 7 weeks rad/3 rounds chemo had no effect.