Hello H,

Sorry to hear about your mom's tongue cancer. I'm assuming it's a squamous cell carcinoma (SCC). First thing my dentist did was to send me to an oral surgeon for a biopsy. It was a quick and relatively painless procedure. It came back "Moderately differentiated SCC". Along with staging its important to know if its poorly, moderately or well differentiated. So its a good idea to get a biopsy.

I had about the same type of SCC on my right side tongue in Sep 2003. It was surgically removed in early November 2003 with about 25-30% of tongue removed (partial glossectomy). After 4 days in hospital, I could eat and speak very well and got a clean bill on Dec. 1, 2003 with no lymph node involvement. No radiation was recomended at the time.

Around Christmas 2003, I noticed a lesion under the front of my tongue. Being the holidays, I didn't get a biop[sy until Jan. 12, 2004. By the time I underwent surgery Feb. 3, 2004, the cancer had grown aggresssively to the point where I was in surgery for 12 hours. I had a subtotal glossectomy ( nearly complete removal of tongue with a forearm radial free flap) and work on the pharynx. They had to break my jaw to get it all. Have been on a PEG tube ever since. Speech is very poor even with a prosthesis. This is because the tongue flap is immobile. Tough on quality of life. Thabk God I'm old enough to retire (70).

I'm telling you this not to frighten but as a cautionary tale. If I had had some radiation in Dec 2003 would I have not had such a severe recurrence. Will never know. Seek as much advice from a comprehensive Cancer facility as you can with stress on what stepos to take to mitigate recurrence.

God Bless you and your mom in this journey.

Jim haucke