Well, I know it is in stage two, the growth on the tongue isn't 2 cm i don't think and there are no signs of spreading to the neck/lumps in the neck..but.. the MRI will tell us more information,...

..doctor said something about removing lymph nodes from the neck to ensure it doesn't spread..

What seems to work better after surgery? Chemo? or Radiation? or Both?

Also I have heard cases of people curing their cancer through acupuncture and herbal medicines?


the world brought me to my knees...
Update: Feb 10/08: Mom passed away on Jan 31,08 - infection (unknown) in her lungs with her weakened immune system resulted in cardiac arrest - T2NO SCC of tongue surgery 6/30/06, SCC left neck and lungs detected Sept 07, 7 weeks rad/3 rounds chemo had no effect.