Treatment 20 today! 10 more to go!! The end is in sight! Dad is in pretty good spirits. Tongue is a little swollen today. Face looks like its about to start to peel a bit. We got him some Miaderm which he has been using since before the radiation started, and it seems to have made a difference in the severity of the burn as most people say he looks great for being at this point in his treatment. Met with a different nurse yesterday who seemed more concerned about Dad's choice to not continue the chemo. She wanted to know if he was going to continue the chemo after the radiation is over. I don't know why the radiation oncologist and radiation oncology nurse would have told him it was overkill, if EVERYONE else says its not.

Last edited by Vicky1; 08-16-2018 07:27 PM.

Dad was diagnosed 2/28/18 w Stage 4, N0 Verrucous carcinoma (VC) an uncommon variant of SSC
Mandibulectomy and free-flap reconstruction 5/30/18
Diagnosis changed to SSC.
Began treatment of 30 rads and 5 Cisplatin Cycles on 7/18/18
Decided not to do any more Cisplatin after the first one.
Finished treatment on 8/31/18.
3.19 Abscess & Recurrence wide mouth resection
4.16.19 Scapular Flap Reconstruction surgery
9.6.19 Clear CT!
8.6.20 Clear CT!