Hi again, JohnUK,

I've been very low profile here lately myself, due to my own recent treatments.

Since posting about it in this thread earlier, I've had the same procedure on the left lobe of my liver (I wrote just after the Right lobe had been packed with radioactive beads called SIRI-spheres.)

I had no noticeable side-effects from the right lobe; but the left (two weeks later,) because it's quite a bit larger than the right, gets quite a bit more of the radioactive beads.

Enough more that the side effects (pain, nausea and major fatigue and weakness) are indeed, quite noticeable. In fact, they quite handily kicked by butt seven ways from Sunday. Enough so that I lost another 9+lbs. Now that doesn't sound like much, but my body fat was down to less than 10% and the loss was nearly all solid muscle.

[Everyone reading this nods sagely and observes "That boy should practice what he preaches..."] Very true, my friends, do not forget adequate nutrition - 2500 cal/day.

The experience is quite different that that from the machine, where you get 15 minutes/day; this way you get it 24/7.

OK, that's where I've been. I am well on the way back!

I've been going to the gym for some time every week since the procedure, but am only now able to do useful work there. I can see my body responding to the additional nutrition I am able to feed it, now that the (short lived, couple of days or so at most) pain and nausea are mostly in the past.

Until today, my workouts were drastically curtailed because every time I'd do a set of pushups or pullups, the exertion would bring on the nausea and I'd have to call it a day. Today, I got three sets of each: Pullups, pushups and dips! And no nausea! Fatigue is still a problem, but becoming less so. Woo hoo!

Of course, my sets were only 10 reps (instead of my usual 20) for pushups, and 3 reps for pullups (But HEY, those were perfect Airborne Pullups!) but I'll get back within a couple of months or so.

One step at a time, brothers and sisters, one step at a time!

My intro: http://oralcancersupport.org/forums/ubbt...3644#Post163644

09/09 - Dx OC Stg IV
10/09 - Chemo/3 Cisplatin, 40 rad
11/09 - PET CLEAN
07/11 - Dx Stage IV C. (Liver)
06/12 - PET CLEAN
09/12 - PET Dist Met (Liver)
04/13 - PET CLEAN
06/13 - PET Dist Met (Liver + 1 lymph node)
10/13 - PET - Xeloda ineffective
11/13 - Liver packed w/ SIRI-Spheres
02/14 - PET - Siri-Spheres effective, 4cm tumor in lymph-node
03/15 - Begin 15 Rads
03/24 - Final Rad! Woot!
7/27/14 Bart passed away. RIP!