Getting my work up week before rads start. No one had mentioned Fluoride trays, will check those out.
As you can see fro my responses I am wrapped up in the stage 4a shock even though neither tumour alone would be more than a 2. I haven't had staging properly explained, not sure if my consultant likes to keep to individual cases but also spotted couple letters to my GP, one was T2N2M0 and the other T2M2aM0 not to mention had written up with a transposition to right side. Typing error but not what patient wants to see so made sure everyone knew which left we are talking about...
Very confusing at a time when so much is happening and the brain is battered so not everything sinks in.

All the best and thanks again.


Life long none smoker, social drinker. Age 46
25 July positive node. Primary in left tonsil.
Neck Disection 27 Aug 20+ nodes removed, bilateral tonsillectomy.
Tonsil primary, other mouth, throat, tongue biopsies showed clear. Node breached but no evidence of spread in surrounding tissues or any other nodes.
Wisdom Teeth (all 4) removed mid Sep and Peg fitted first week Oct.
Started six weeks, 30 rads, six chemos total, chemo on Mondays and rads Mon to Fri on Oct 14th.