Started my series of six weeks radio, 30 rads and 6 chemos. The chemo every Monday.
So far so good and I'm on number 8 today. Side effects are grubby throat after rads and then a bout of lethargy for an hour or so and a nap. Eating stuff the body can use to build new cells, protein and balanced veg and fruit. Also fruit helps freshen the mouth and throat.
Neck looks sun caught...goes sore but regular aqueous cream restores it. Bit like a hard work out each day and when shattered being forced to do another.
I'm developing a trick of radio, small meal, an hours sleep, then feel a lot better. As ex military you will know how to manage your body when fatigued and catch cat naps which is helping me.
I haven't had severe reactions yet but told to expect it..think I will make week three and then be hit but hey, that's half way through!
This pathway is sounding very typical, op, tonsils out, then radio or radio and chemo to wipe out any malingering cancer cells.
The chemo is very good at sensitising cells too so rads have much more effect. I also spoke with a friend whose family in Israel are doctors and they said this pathway is typical of the treatments their patients had recommended and fits 'best thinking' internationally, although everyone is different so there are variations.

Bug the medics about managing side effects is what I did.

Let me know how you are doing.


Life long none smoker, social drinker. Age 46
25 July positive node. Primary in left tonsil.
Neck Disection 27 Aug 20+ nodes removed, bilateral tonsillectomy.
Tonsil primary, other mouth, throat, tongue biopsies showed clear. Node breached but no evidence of spread in surrounding tissues or any other nodes.
Wisdom Teeth (all 4) removed mid Sep and Peg fitted first week Oct.
Started six weeks, 30 rads, six chemos total, chemo on Mondays and rads Mon to Fri on Oct 14th.