He is HPV+ and there is lymph involvment. Well at least one of his lymph nodes is swollen so I guess we don't know if it's spread there or not. He had one last final talk with the Dr and he wouldn't tell him either way which he would choose. We are afraid of the risks with surgery. but afraid that the rads and chemo won't get it all indefinitely. This is an agonizing decision. Can anyone tell me why they decided against surgery? Or why they wanted the surgery. I know he's in good hands...but we just dont know which hand to choose.

Caregiver to my Dad
Dx on 9/9/13
Cisplatinx3- 1st dose 10/1/13
PEG in 10/20/13
PEG out 12/24/13
Rads x 35- finished 11/15/13
Never a smoker,drinker.