My Dad has Stage 4A BOT cancer. He is currently being seen at Mayo in MN and we are having a hard time deciding a treatment plan. The surgeon says his tumor is operable....but he suggests doing chemo and radiation with it as well. He said if we elected to not do the surgery the results could be the same with just a tad more chemo and radiation. We are at a lost to decide wether or not to do the surgery. Did anyone else have to come to a decision such as this? what did or did not sway your decision?

Caregiver to my Dad
Dx on 9/9/13
Cisplatinx3- 1st dose 10/1/13
PEG in 10/20/13
PEG out 12/24/13
Rads x 35- finished 11/15/13
Never a smoker,drinker.