Thank you Christine,Mama, Cheryl, etc. He made it through last night and all of today with no N/V/D. They brought him in for an IV bolus infusion...1 liter this am before he had his second rads trmt. When does the N/V/D start from the Cisplatin? It is usually right away or a couple of days post infusion?
They are bringing him in again tmrw for another IV Fluid Bolus and again on Friday.So it seems like they are on top of his fluid intake. I'm sure next week will be a little harder to drink, and then so will the next week, and so on and so forth. But that's what I'm here push him. I don't care if he hates me by time we are all done with this. At what point into Rads trmt did it begin to get difficult to swallow? I've heard 3-4 weeks but know all of you are the experts!!
Thank you all for the kind words and inspiration. I am so glad I found this site for more than a 1,000 reasons. I would feel so alone if it weren't for you all! Thank you Thank you!!