My team decided to try Radiation along with Erbitux. and not do the surgery. Due to the fact that the cancer was stage IV. with met to one node in the left neck at the time. it was explained to me that surgery and Radiothearapy had similar outcomes. Well treatment failed so surgery was what they suggested next. That surgery was a fail. cancer is still just in the head and neck, but very aggressive. Cancer was found.(and I asked twice to make sure I had it right)in 33 of 36 nodes that were removed from the ND. If we only had a magic 8 ball that really worked we could foresee complications and whether or not it will work. But that is just a dream. So get as informed as you can. get second opinions. and make the hard decisions. Best of luck to you. Shawn U.

. Radio/Erbitex:(35/6.) .6/13 RSSC with left neck.9/11/13 MND with left tonsil removal.9/18/13 margins failed, .Dx Terminal. 10/22/13 Dx.StageIII Lymphedema. Carboplatin/Taxol, cancer progression,WECF
3/14/2014 given 2 weeks, 3 maybe. All the veins in my head are slowly leakinging due to Ehlers Danlos syndrome. lucky thing is that my spinal fluid leaking out my nose is slowing the build up of pressure in my huge, huge head. you would not believe.