I had my rigid endoscopy procedure yesterday but have very little detail because the Dr did not stick around and talk to me. He spoke very briefly to my wife saying only that he was able to get through the stricture and dilate it and he was very happy with the outcome. I can swallow now in smaller amounts than previously, but I am elated with the progress. I drank two ten ounce soft drinks while in recovery. By the time I got home (6:00 PM) I was very tired and it became very painful to swallow so I am taking some pain meds and an antibiotic so that I can continue swallowing and keep the stricture open. The stricture is likely an accumulation of scar tissue from the radiation. I think the pain will subside in a few days and then it will get easier. Apparently the Dr had to use a little force to breach the stricture and that is the cause of the soreness. There was traces of blood in my saliva yesterday but gone today. He also told the nurse that I might need another dilation (maybe two). This is very common for esophageal strictures and he will likely turn me back over to the local gastroenterologist for these procedures and eventually the removal of my feeding tube. I have an appointment on April 9 with the Dr that performed the procedure to discuss this. There is some possibility that the stricture will close up some so I will be sipping on something all day long to exercise the swallowing muscles.

So far I have had only liquids, mostly clear, but will start on some creamy soups, Jell-O and pudding. My goal is to be able to consume enough calories orally so that the feeding tube can come out without losing any more weight. That might take a month or longer but I can easily deal with that.

As you might expect I am absolutely thrilled with this unexpected outcome and I want to thank you all for your support. I went from a total occlusion of the esophagus to sipping liquids rather normally with this single procedure. It has been over six months since I last was able to swallow and I am looking forward to some of my favorite dishes. Tonite it will be homemade potato soup.

Again I am thrilled and thanks again to all of you.

Mr Mike

WM age 69, Stage III sqamous cell, base of tongue (left lingual tonsil), (1) node positive, Dxd Aug 2012, 35 rad treat with Cisplatin weekly, final treatment 10-16-12, CT scan 11-18-12 good result, PET in Jan 2013, good result, Barium swallow test...no swallowing function.