Oh, Mike, you poor man. I'm so sorry you are struggling with the swallow. You are having a harder time than most I think but need to just stay the course and continue with whatever therapy is being suggested.
I can relate a little bit. My husband is almost 2 months out of treatment and is struggling to eat too. He can swallow but it hurts and he has some problems still.
The doc said at about 2 months post tx one can start to feel better. That was news to us!
Originally we were encouraged by our institution to stay off the PEG. So we had different advise than you to start with. He was even given swallow therapy during treatment. So he did stay off the PEG but has lost 50lbs (and he was not a large man to begin with) mostly post tx. There are people here who get off the PEG successfully so it can be done.
My husband had a barium swallow test this past week and will start with an SLP 2x/week therapy. He was able to taste chocolate for the first time the other day. So I guess there are little steps forward in between the seeming stagnation.
I think the radiation is the culprit as all say, which is why choosing your RO well is of critical importance.
Keep up the work and there will be rewards. Small and incremental perhaps, but still there!
Good luck!
Amber Caregiver to 63 yr HPV+, BOT SCC, T2-3N2cM0, Dx 9/6/12, Tx 10/12- 12/12, Cisplatin x3, 35 x IMRT; PET 12/15/12 Clean PET 3/14/13 Clean PET 9/17/13 removal of lymph node mediastinum bx HPV+, 10/13/13 SBRT 5x area around node PET 1/6/14 -clean CT 6/14 -suspicious CT 11/14 - 5 spots confirmed 12/14- chemo CT 1/15 -stable CT 3/15 -chemo ended; mixed results. Some spots better but new one appeared also in left pleura