Thanks for the kind words. I guess I have had to be strong for so long...Single Mom my son's entire life, Caregiver for mom who had vascular dementia for 10 years. She passed last year and I finally thought my life was going to get back to "normal". Then the cancer diagnosis. Luckily I have the full support of my son who lives with me. I am going to try not to impose upon him too much, but I know I will have to at some point. He is 21 and even though he won't say it, I know he is worried. I have been reading many of the forum pages and it is so nice I am not alone. Thank you all.

Age 52 at Dx, SCC,Stage IV BOT and PET shows only 1 node, T4N1M0, smoker (quit Nov 16 2012, non drinker, scheduled for Cisplatin x 7 with concurrent IMRT x 35 plus additional 3 months of Cisplatin.
Dec 2013 - NED