Okay sorry for the delay it has been a crazy day. We saw the ENT and she did a very thourough workup on him. She felt his lymph nodes and found nothing and she put a scope through his nose and down his throat and all looked good, vocal chords looked good, his ears, nose all good. She said he has the acid reflux which is causing the throat clearing and then she said the two spots on the back of the tongue were not anything but the one of the side she just wants to take completely off and send to pathology. It is small so she feels doing a biopsy is kind of pointless and to just take it all off and find out what pathology says. She said at this point we should not worry unless there is something to worry about. She said the only thing a bit concerning is that it has some dimpling but that still does not mean it is cancer. So that is where we are, he is also getting an upper GI series done for the acid and he will go in at 7:30 am on Tuesday to have this removed. She felt it with her hands and she did not feel anything that would make her think it was not just on the surface, so we are going to try and take her advice and enjoy life and not worry.