Hey Caroline!

Oh my gosh... Its OK. Just hang in there until you get a definative answer - that only a biopsy will tell you. I have no idea from your pictures if its just an abcess or what,

Just try and be calm. I know its terrifying - belive me I know...
but you don't know what this is and until you do for sure there is not reason to go into panic mode and even then its totally and completely counterproductive to go into panic mode thinking that if he does in fact have cancer its a death sentence and its over. I am proof that it doesn't happen that way all the time.

I was diagnosed with stage 4 tongue cancer and I'm still here tell you about it.

Whatever it is - you are going to deal with it as it comes because you can't afford to fall apart. You need to be strong and tough for your husband and your family.

Hang in there and I'm thinking about you. any questions don't hesitate to ask!!!! Feel free to contact me directly!


Tongue Cancer T2 N0 M0 /
Total Glossectomy Due to Location of Tumor

Finished all treatments May 25 2007