
This might not sound like a really good outsome kind of thing, but listen as I explain what my husband Reggie has been through.

In Dec. 2006 the dentist found a troubling spot in the back of Reggie's throat. 1 month later after some scopes and an MRI it was determined he had SCC of the soft palate. Stage II. After months of rad and chemo the doctors told us no more cancer. 2 years later to the month, his voice went hoarse and he could hardly breath. Scopes and MRI's later he was diagnosed again. This time it was SCC of the larynx. Total laryngectomy and 2 nodes removed in 2010. This past October, with a soar spot on his tongue for a week back to D. Scopes and another biopsy and he now has SCC of BOT stage III. Surgery is scheduled for Dec. 5th. Partial glossectomy and opharyngectomy and reconstrucvtive surgery and he will be cancer free once again.

I know it is the most devastating news you will get. But I am proof as wife that you and your husband can and will get through this and survive. It won't be an easy journey, but you must be strong and your must be informed and you must fight!!!

You will look cancer in the eye and fight back. Life is too precious. The worst part is not knowing and thousands of thoughts racing through your mind constantly. You are here and I have found it's a very informative and supporttive place to be.

Keep posting and letting us know of your husband's situation.

I just want to say that I have been talked down from the ledge lately here at this sight. I handled the first two go rounds with no problem, but this time I'm thinking the worst. Everyone is right when they say take a deep breath and quit thinking the worst until you have some sort of evidence. Treatment as advancwed tremendously in this field.

Stay in touch

Bette/CG to husband Reggie 66

dx 1: SCC Soft Palate (12/06)
tx: chemo and rad

dx 2: SCC 6 cm tum rt. vocal chord (12/09)
tx: total laryngectomy with stoma, 2 nodes

dx 3: SCC 4 cm tum BOT (10/16/12)
Tx: partial gloss w/ mod deck dis 4 nodes incl. part. pharyngectomy