Well the other day he kept talking about biting his tongue, now I thought it was weird because: he does not complain and also being that your mouth is one of the fastest areas to heal I found it peculiar he was talking about it for days. In fact when I was cleaning on Sunday he came up to me and told me he was very troubled over it which was just so out of character. Usually he is the first person to tell everyone that things are nothing and to have faith but this time he was acting so different.

He then came down Monday morning still talking about it and how he called the nurse to see his doctor and they could not get him in until Tuesday, so finally I asked him what was up and he should me on the side of his tongue there is like an extra growth of skin that is sort of flat and twisted not red but a bit white but not like a canker sore white or ulcerated just solid. I honestly did not notice any white color until this morning but anyway it freaked me out and then I started Googling which he already did and mouth cancer, tongue cancer is so deadly with a horrible survival rate. He does not smoke, drink or chew tobacco but he did smoke like over 22 years ago. Also after biting his tongue about 2 weeks ago our 3 year old accidentally was playing below him horsing around and my husband had his jaw loose and the little guy smashed right up into his chin smashing his teeth and making my husband bite his tongue until it bled. A few times after that he was biting his tongue and tasting blood which is odd.

So anyway he got an appt today at the same time as me which was really bad because he had to rush back for Luke to pick him from preschool. He has also for the past few months been clearing his throat a lot, now yes, our little ones have had some colds and he go them too as well as having allergies so it was attributed to that but I kept asking him to get that checked out because it seemed to go on for a couple of months. So the doctor saw him and it was so rushed, but he did not think much but there is apparently a hard spot or something in the area that hurts a lot so he said that he should go to an ENT. Now, they could not get him in until Monday in that practice so we booked that appt and made one for tomorrow with another ENT. He never got to tell the doc about the clearing of the throat or anything and the doctor did not feel his glands etc. What he has looks just like the pics I am seeing and where my husband is normally cheery and have faith kind of guy, this morning he was preparing me for the worst and life alone. He thinks it is too and that is what is freaking me out really bad. It is like in one day our life has been turned upside down.