HI Curly
you already have some good advice, i am impressed you are still working my last rad was 1st of september and I can only tell you how good i feel now to then. So it really is a full time job just managing the treatment issues and soldiering through this last week, remember it is the treatment giving you grief not the cancer, and you are fighting for a big reward. From my last chemo every day has been up all be it baby steps. All I could do was amuse myself seeing the shapes my spit made in the sink, like eskimos with snow you will have dozens of different words to describe the different shape form texture of mucus you will go through. 8 weeks out of treatment my mouth is so dry i crave a bit saliva. keep on keeping on.

21st March squall cells.Endescopy not oesophagus, ENT .April endo nose CAT MRI general Panendoscopy prim-HPV 16 base of left tongue one node-stage 2.23rd of May.14/5/12 9 teeth out.8/6/12 PICC inserted.11/6/12 1st Chemos 25/6/12 2nd Chemo Cisplatin5FU:27/6/12 PEG23/8/12 Radiation finished 1/9/12.