saw the surgeon today at University of Co hospital.The spindle cell tumor has blocked about 65% of my airway. I am having a little trouble breathing particularly since I live at 9.000 feet elevation. They want to do surgery Thursday(this week) and I am not at all prepared to do this in two days. I need to prepare myself and do some things before I potentially loose my larynx. I am going to meet the surgeon tomorrow and try to ask him to remove the tumor and leave my larynx at least for a couple of weeks. The cancer is confined to the larynx and has not invaded any lymph nodes. The doctor said rather matter of factually "cancer has no time table".
I know this butI I have to put some issues behind me before I loose my voice box.
It is so hard to plan for this emotionally and physically.Keep you posted Thanks Steve Hurlock

SCC of larynx,2/1/2011 surgery 16 times to remove papilloma on vocal cords,started TOMO rad treatment 4/11.2011 T2N0M0 possible invasion onto cartilage tissue Cancer back 6/2012. Polyp removed Came back spindle cell carcenoma 6/22/12