In my thoughts. I know that God is in control friend. I had a PET scan that showed 2 hot lymph nodes in my neck that came back inconclusive and then negative after they took 4 or 5 of them out. These scans are not 100% conclusive and even if it turns out to be true, God is stronger. Speak out loud to Him and He will listen and act on your behalf. That is the promise and after all I have been through so far, I believe it.

Dx: 3/11 Stage III glottic laryngeal SCC HPV 16+ Tx Start: 7/18/11 chemoradiation 7wks - Tomotherapy IMRT x 34 / Cisplatin x 7 Tx End:9/1/11]-[as of 1/20/12 - ALL CLEAR!]