
A really good food to eat is pureed porridge. I cook oats with full cream milk for half hour so it's nice, soft and creamy. Put in blender with a banana, add mire milk and blend it. You can get the consistency that is comfortable for by adjusting the amount of milk. I had this for dinner every night for nearly 3 months. It's filling and nutritious as well. Hang in there, it will get better.

Minh [/quote]

I second this - I've been having a lot of porridge since the surgery- I add honey to it too.

Monica,33 Mum of 3. Former smoker
SCC right lateral tongue. Intially thought to be cell dysplasia and dx as SCC after surgical excision.
Nov 2010- partial glossectomy (1cm in width), partial neck dissection. Margins clear, nothing found in nodes- YAY! Benign tumor on saliva gland.