Hi Jerry & Angelia,

Thanks for the welcome and encouragement. Finding this website last week was a great help and emotional support, definitely has helped with my healing to know I'm not alone.

I've had a strange turn of events, and am looking for guidance, in this thread:

Someone over there said the "brians and jerrys" would have more info. Jerry, is that perhaps you? :^) Since you suggested it, I'll email you as well.



Leukoplakia 3/07, 34y.o. non-smoker/drinker
Biopsy 3/08: clear (no monitoring suggested - grr)
Biopsy 10/18/10: SCC, Stage 2 1.
Surgery 11/15/10: glossectomy R side oral tongue & partial neck dissection. Margins, nodes & salivary gland clear!
Subsequent MRIs/CTs/PETs: All clear!