Hello All!

I wanted to update you on my status as it's been about forever since I've been on...

I went ahead and had the surgery, about two weeks ago - September 15th. It would have been nice to avoid it, but when the last of my options told me that there was no way to get my tongue back to its "normal" state, and keeping in mind the pending complications if you have chemo/rad up front, I relinquished my tongue. This was no easy decision by any means, but I think I've done pretty well.

I would love to catch you all up as to how I've gotten here and the events leading up to the surgery, but I don't have the time or wherewithal to re-type every thing. I've set up a blog - www.scottversuscancer.com - where I chronicle just about every step that I've taken on this journey. I also post regularly on twitter - @scottgotcancer

Of particular interest may be my post about coming home - http://www.scottversuscancer.com/2010/09/25/scott-returns-home/ - and the post about my meeting with the radiation oncologist - http://www.scottversuscancer.com/2010/09/25/meet-the-radiation-oncologist/ . It was this appointment which set me on the surgery course.

I did meet an awesome woman, through this board, [misskate] here in SF who'd been through pretty much the same procedure and I have to tell you how great it's been. She's been an active supporter, advocate, and friend. If you can, I recommend meeting someone who's been through this yourself. Their impact cannot be understated.

If you don't want to check out my site, here's an idea of where I'm at today:

"All in all, I�d say I�d did alright.

* I was able to keep about 25% of my own tongue (right side, base), which helps me speak already and with swallowing.
* I didn�t have to come home with a tracheostomy, which was a big deal for my self esteem. I have a hole where it was, but that�s closing up.
* I can breathe and smell mostly normally.
* I can walk, and have use of my arms. My left arm is a little messed up right now, but ought to get better.
* While I can�t eat now, soft foods are around the corner.
* They issued me a portable suction machine which I have yet to use, thankfully. I do get a lot of saliva, but can control it mostly.

If you wan to keep score, I would say that Cancer and I are tied at one point each. I�m not sure there can ever be a winner, though. No matter what I try, or do, there will always be an elevated risk of cancer returning and picking up where it left off.

Until then, I�m pretty happy!"

I'm trying to get caught up with various things around the house and on the computer, after which I'll make an effort to be more active here on the boards.

If I can be of any assistance to anyone, in any way- please don't hesitate to contact me.

Thank you all for your previous advice and I look forward to being a contributing member of this site!


scc oral tongue cancer, stage IV
biopsied - 08/02/10
got the news - 08/10/10
staged (T4aN1M0)- 08/23/10
surgery (75% glossectomy) - 09/15/10
30x IMRT radiation completed - 12/28/2010
3x Cisplatin chemo completed - 12/27/2010
returned home - 09/23/10 (yay!)