
From my experience, between the trache and PEG, the trache bothered me more because it caused constant coughing. Needless to say, the trache had to be suctioned and cleaned on a regular basis (I had two trache pipes which alternated between what's being used and cleaned). That was the only problem I had with the trache which, incidentally, was removed much earlier than my PEG. The trache wound also healed much faster (within 24 hrs) than the PEG wound.


Diagnosed: 16Feb'09
Pre-op Dx: Tongue SCCA Stage IVB (T4N2cM0)
Opn: 2Mar'09. Total glossectomy, Neck dissection (Levels I-V), bilateral; Anterolateral, Thigh flap recon'n; Tracheostomy; PEG
Decanullation: 24Mar'09
IMRT x30, concurrent with chemo (cisplatin) x3: May-Jun '09
PEG out: 23Oct'09