Hello Chelsey,

Welcome to the forum. Odd to get cancer like this when you are young, but it is a weird diseade! Great support here and advice to help you with your trearment. Many of us have gone through the treatment and we are still typing! Please let us know what the oncologist and ENT says.
You are not alone. I am sure that your friends and family is BC will suprize you with support.
You also have a thousand new friends here!


70 male, athlete...again
SSC of undetermined orgin , early july 09
40 tx radiation, 8 chemo cisplatin and ebuterx
finished TX in mid Sept 09
Clear at the 6 year mark!
Back to swimming, biking and running! just a tad slower
never regained my weight, even when I eat lots and lots, just a skinny guy now

Just way glad to be seeing the green side up!