Hi Chelsey,

When we first went to the ENT, he was very thorough in explaining all the things my husband would have to have done along with the cancer surgery, ie, trach, NG tube, catheter, and JP drains. (There may have been more but I can't remember.) The surgery was a week later and with all of the pre-admission testing, we had little time to digest all of it. The ENT did say it would be challenging but he kept reinforcing that my husband and I could do it.

I guess I am trying to reassure you that YOU CAN DO IT! You are young and resilient, and you have many others who have been there and if they can get through this, so can you.

As my husband's caregiver, I cleaned and suctioned his trach. I got to be very good at it. Do you have someone who can help you with this? My sister is an RN and she stayed with us our first night home. I admit that the first few times I was nervous, and having her there reassuring me, really built my confidence.

Now, two years later, there is a faint line on his neck, like a distant memory. I wish you the best as you move forward. Hang in there--YOU CAN DO IT!


Anita (68)
CG to husband, Clark, 79,
DX SCC 11/07, T4N0Mx, PEG 1/08, RAD, post rad infection 3/08,
HBOT 40 dives, ORN, Surg 11/09 mandibulectomy w/fibular graft.
Plastic Surg 4/10, 12/10, 3/11, 10/11, 4/12, 10/12. All PETS clear,
PEG out 1/11. 6/11 non union jaw fracture
Fractured jaw w/surgery 7/14
Aspiration pneumonia 7/21, 10/22
PEG 7/21
Botox injections