Oh Chelsey, 21 seems way too young to be dealing with this. I'm so glad you found this site. It will help get you through. If you have any questions, want to vent or anything then this is the place to do it. You will meet some amazing people on here that will help you get through the road ahead. Everyone on here has been through or is going through what you. Be it as patients or as carers.

Probably the best advise I can give you now is to stay positive, ask lots of questions and get as many calories as you can. Read this site as much as you can because you will learn so much. I did that and having some knowledge before we went through treatment certainly made it seem less scary, less of the unknown. Take care and keep us posted on how you are doing.


Wife to Steve 43. DX 5 May 09. T4N2MO SCC tongue, floor of mouth, lymph nodes & jaw bone
No surgery
Teeth removed 06/07/2009
radiation 13/07/2009 x 7wks
chemo 15/07/2009 x 3 Cisplatin
last TX 28/08/2009
25/11/2009 PET-lymph node activity.
08/01/2010 CT Scan-ALL CLEAR
03/03/2010-Peg removed
01/2013 left side of Jaw removed and replaced with pectoral flap.
23/12/2020 scan show lesion in tongue
01/2021 SCC stage 3 base of tongue diagnosed
01/03/2021 chemotherapy started.