Hi Everyone,

I'm facing a very similar decision right now. I finished 35 rounds of Rad on 8/25/09 and I still have PET activity on my left side with some faint 'questionable' ones on my right side (my left tongue was primary). My ENT wanted to do the radiation to hopefully kill everything off so I wouldn't have to endure the ND...but the PET still lights up. Now I'm scheduled for a modified radical ND on the left side on 11/25. I'm scared because I know radiated skin doesn't heal well...and I'm afraid of major nerve damage.

Has anyone endured this post radiation and found it to be the best choice?

Belinda Jo- Age 28 non-smoker, casual wine drinker, original tx 5/09, T3/N2 (now N0)/M0, 2 tongue surgeries partial glossectomy, Rad x 35 treatment began 7/8/09, no chemo, neck dissection 11/25 revealed 12 benign nodes!