just make sure they keep a close eye on this node,they have a nasty nasty habit of causing more problems than the origonal primary.I personally find it quite surprising that they didn't do a neck dissection N3 is quite a large secondary,and quite a few people here have been bitten on the bum by nodes like this.

have you had an MRI scan? You wouldn't have the same problem with false positives.

good luck in whatever decision they advise next.

love Liz

Liz in the UK

Husband Robin aged 44 years Dx 8th Dec 2006 poorly differentiated SCC tongue with met to neck T1N2cM0 Surgery and Radiation.Finished TX April 2007
Recurrence June/07 died July 29th/07.

Never take your eye off the ball, it may just smack you in the mouth.