Hey JoAnne;
Guess what I fixed the kids for dinner tonight? You got it-Hot Dogs (Coneys) & fries!!!

Q2: Guess what Steve had for dinner? ding/ding!! Cut up hot dogs!!! Yummy. (no nerve to even attempt the buns) You are absolutely on it. They were very moist and fairly easy to maneuver, plus a huge amount of calories even without the bun.

Mark, I thank you for the mention of hot dogs!

PS: Yes, Thursday was really great. I woke up expecting a mediocre type of day. (My Mother passed away on December 14, 14 years ago) Spending the day with Darrell was a huge plus.
A lot of the pizza at CiCi's Buffet is very thin with a soft crust, and the ones I selected had little to no tomato products so it really helped with swallowing and not breaking out my mouth too much. If you do find something that you like, or works well, they have no problem making pizzas by request. They are located in about half of the U.S.

I must say that the "quality time" outweighed the pizza by a mile! Thank God for the enjoyment of Family (and friends)!!


SCC right side BOT/FOM; DX 1-25-06; Neck dissection/25% of tongue removed 2-17-06. Stage 2 Recurrence 7-06: IMRTX35 & 3X Cisplatin ended 10-18-06. Tumor found 03/18/13; Partial Glossectomy 03/28/13 left lateral tongue. Nov. 2014; headaches,lump on left side of throat. Radical Neck Dissection 12-17-14; Tumor into nerves/jugular; Surgery successful, IMRTX30 & 7X Erbotux. Scan 06-03-15; NED! 06-02-16; Mets to left Humerus bone and lesion on lungs-here We go again! Never, Ever Give Up!

**** PASSED AWAY 10/8/16 ****