It's a 34"X16"X14" upright, dual fuel. I think it can handle your order. If not I can always pack the barrel smoker in the back of the truck!! I never got into that assembly project today. My son had a Dr. appointment this morning so Janet and I went to that with him, then he and I hung out the rest of the day.

He talked me into testing new waters today. He wanted to go to CiCi's Pizza for lunch. Out to eat??? "Not sure, haven't done that in months. What if I get the choking or a sneezing spell?" "Well, OK, I'm game." I figured that I could eat some pasta, but he pushed me some and guess what; I had PIZZA!!!!! Not just a litlle bit, but a lot, almost 4 slices!! (Jo Anne you called it, search out the buffets!!) It worked, I ate, I even swallowed a few bites without watering it down! Then we Christmas shopped and goofed off together the rest of the day. It was so much fun. The minute I sat down tonight, BAM, out like a light. So tomorrow it's going to be another nice day and the Smoke Hollow No.9 is getting unpacked.

Happy Trails,


SCC right side BOT/FOM; DX 1-25-06; Neck dissection/25% of tongue removed 2-17-06. Stage 2 Recurrence 7-06: IMRTX35 & 3X Cisplatin ended 10-18-06. Tumor found 03/18/13; Partial Glossectomy 03/28/13 left lateral tongue. Nov. 2014; headaches,lump on left side of throat. Radical Neck Dissection 12-17-14; Tumor into nerves/jugular; Surgery successful, IMRTX30 & 7X Erbotux. Scan 06-03-15; NED! 06-02-16; Mets to left Humerus bone and lesion on lungs-here We go again! Never, Ever Give Up!

**** PASSED AWAY 10/8/16 ****