Hanging in there, feel rough this weekend, very dry mouth and painful sore tongue one side as probably nipped it with teeth when mouth dried out. Easing a bit.. tired big time and eating helps saliva. Reckon I can handle week three but after that will be shattered. Week two left me in bed all Friday PM and light meal and slept until Sat late.. Sat now and gone to lay down at seven PM. I think the trick is recuperate when time allows and then throw oneself into next week. Good news is next week is week three so least I shall make the half way point at end of next week and not be to bad until I hit the last three weeks. My paperwork says Tx and all this is precaution against microscopic disease and any cells that are left but not detected. Keep reminding myself I am in a good place and have met many who have so much more to deal with.

Life long none smoker, social drinker. Age 46
25 July positive node. Primary in left tonsil.
Neck Disection 27 Aug 20+ nodes removed, bilateral tonsillectomy.
Tonsil primary, other mouth, throat, tongue biopsies showed clear. Node breached but no evidence of spread in surrounding tissues or any other nodes.
Wisdom Teeth (all 4) removed mid Sep and Peg fitted first week Oct.
Started six weeks, 30 rads, six chemos total, chemo on Mondays and rads Mon to Fri on Oct 14th.